Nalin R. Patel


contact information

phone: 504-581-3838
direct: 504-412-6275
fax: 504-581-4069

701 Carondelet St.
New Orleans, LA 70130


Nalin Patel is an associate in the New Orleans office. His practice includes insurance defense in the areas of personal injury, insurance coverage, premises liability, and bad faith/extra contractual cases.

Originally from Fiji, Nalin grew up in the New Zealand and the San Francisco Bay Area before making his way to the vibrant city of New Orleans, where he is currently resides.

Nalin earned his Juris Doctorate from Loyola University College of Law in 2023. During his time at Loyola, he served as a student practitioner at the Stuart H. Smith Law Clinic, gaining valuable experience in the Criminal Defense Clinic.


Southern University of New Orleans (B.S.W. 2020)
Loyola University New Orleans College of Law (J.D. 2023)

professional associations

Louisiana State Bar Association
New Orleans Bar Association
New Orleans Chapter of the Federal Bar Association

areas of practice